Miraculous Dissapearance of Dermoid Cyst After Prayer

I got a severe pain on my left tummy so I went to meet a doctor on 27 March 2019. And to my horror I was diagnosed with a Dermoid cyst on my left ovary measuring 4.71×3.93 cm.I enquired why or what causes all these? And Doctor replied that unlucky people get such kind of disease and I should go for an operation through laparoscopy as there’s no other option to heal. Left in tears I reached home prayed and questioned myself why am I counted or considered among the unlucky ones?WHY GOD WHY? I was filled with fear and started to worry about my future and especially for my 6 month old daughter. After a week God spoke to me through my dream, so the very next day on Saturday 6 of April  me and my husband we went to Faith Harvest church for healing.The prayer was led by brother Ren, he told that God has send me there to heal me. While praying I felt like someone pricked me with a sharp needle, meanwhile brother Ren told that He saw some kind of bubbles flew out of me. I was very sure of myself that I was  healed. To testify God’s miracle I went to meet doctor on Monday 8 of April , I was checked twice and both my ultrasound result shows free from Dermoid cyst, then the doctor couldn’t believe and send me out to let me drink more water and come back again for final test.  when the last ultrasound was done it was completely  gone.yes, it was not there anymore. My left ovary was  free from Dermoid cyst. I shared my testimony to doctor and nurses to which they were all amazed and said YES OUR GOD IS LIVING GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WHEN YOU BELIEVE IN HIM. Double blessing followed I conceived  and was blessed with a baby boy LHOSHEPU ISRAEL on 24 December 2019. AMEN.