Testimony from SOZO Ministry

I was introduced to Sozo ministry by Pastor Shan Kikon during the most challenging and darkest phase of my life. I struggled with anxiety and depression,  I lost my natural sleep and had to depend on anti-depressant pills. I still remember clearly that my first Sozo session happened to be the last day for my antidepressant course. I sat down with sister Ameno and shared with her that I desperately want my sleep and health restored. As I was led into the session, the Holy Spirit revealed certain issue with regard to my past which needed to be spiritually fixed. After this, I  experienced immense peace and relieved from guilt and self-pity. That day, I also decided that I will not take the antidepressant tablet, not depend on medications for my sleep, but depend on God for healing and health. The following Sozo sessions has enabled  me to go deeper, grow deeper in the Spirit of God so as to be strengthened in the spirit, soul and body. Receiving right directions through the Sozo sessions is helping me to get away from erroneous teachings and beliefs, and instead look at myself the right way – God’s way. I give all praises, glory and honor to our heavenly Father who spared not His only begotten Son to die on the cross that I may have a whole new life. God Bless Faith Harvest Church & Sozo ministry.

             Ms. Khyulano Ezung.